Posted on September 16th, 2008
What is it about the diseases that children bring home from school that make them so incredibly evil? Are they some sort of revenge on parents? Is there truly a DNA altering ooze under the streets of our cities? Or have our bodies honestly forgotten what it was like to have a immune system.
I can barely walk, talk, breathe or even think. My muscles are all tender and sore, my throat is on fire and the sneezes that are coming out of me could shatter steel like I think they are ripping apart my chest.
I kept the older one home today, not because he is particularly all that ill, but because I honestly didn’t think I could make up back up the three flights of stairs to the apartment.
To compound everything, my baby boy was up all night. i went to bed around nine because my brain shut down and Naomi woke me up around one to take my turn. I nodded to her, kissed her heair and came out to the horror that awaited me.
His fever was so high he threw up all over the floor. With his disabilities, he is still only on the bottle at three, so you can imagine the pleaseant odor I was surrounded by.
I held and rocked him for the next five hours and finally, as the day began for the rest of my brood, he drifted off to sleep with a little less of a fever and a little bit of a smile.
Naomi, bless her little pointed head, had to go i9nto work today because of her companies assinine view of taking sick time. Evidently you have to ask if it is ok if you don’t come in, not say that you see three of the bus you have to ride on for three hours and tell them you’re not.
I talked to her about five minutes ago and she is going to see is she can wrangle a ride home around noon, she and I both doubt she will be able to. I tell you now though, if she is as bad as she was this morning tomorrow, she is staying home if I have to steal her shoes.
Alright Ladies and Gentleman, check the sites for the updates I have done, especially in the Links page.
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Tags: Brett. Connor, Naomi, School, Sick, Work
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