You are currently browsing the archives for the Goddess Of The Day category.

Goddess Of The Day - Shereja Rage

on Dec1 2008

Today we have the always lovely Shereja Rage.  She is a dear friend and a beautiful woman and it is beyond her turn for a little bit of love from the Kaobear.

First, you have to see the absolutely sensational shot from her latest set at her site.

Shereja Rage
Shereja Rage

A vision I tell you, a vision.


All LyssBBW - All Day

on Nov26 2008

So I got a message from Lyss yesterday, in this message she was attempting to tell me that she was not as awesome and as wonderful as I had depicted in my blog.  Now, anyone who has seen pictures of this vision of loveliness know this to be a lie.

For example, if you look at the picture below you will see an absolutely captivating woman who would drive any man insane.  If, for reasons unknown to me or if the man’s sexual attraction was to their own, a man is not attracted to her, then I am flabbergasted.

Lyss In Red

Lyss In Red

Now, that is not nearly all.  In the picture below, you will see the ample cleavage the woman is showing. Now, as a man that instantly drives me insane with desire, however, there is still more if you can believe it. The fact that she is a wonderful human being, funny as hell and has a mind like a seventeen year old boy makes her all the more sexy for us all.

LyssBBW Showing Cleavage

LyssBBW Showing Cleavage

In this third picture, you can see her absolutely alluring smile. I am fairly certain that this picture and that smile have lured men to their deaths on rocks and her siren like looks have driven men wild with desire, I know it has done so to me, hence why I am saying it.

LyssBBW And Her Wonderful Smile

LyssBBW And Her Wonderful Smile

In this last picture, you can see why she has been selected as the Goddess of the Day here, twice. Did I mention that she was today’s Goddess? How could that have slipped my mind? She is a Goddess every day, but I must give fair chances to others to catch up to her absolute splendor.

LyssBBW, Vixen Goddess

LyssBBW, Vixen Goddess

That is not nearly all however. I have a podcast today devoted to her as well as a sample of her wonderful audio files to share with you. That’s right, it’s Lyss day.

First we will do the sample of her audio files, I warn you, be prepared to strip down to the nude and insanely pleasure yourself whilst listening to her. It is unavoidable. It truly is. I have already done it today, more than once, to the very audio file is here with you now.  This and more are available at NaughtyAngel here at

Now, take a minute and clean yourself off and come with me and listen to me extol some more of this wonderful human being in today’s special edition of Deceptions And Perceptions.

And, because I am not a cruel man, I give you one more reason to visit her Flickr page.

A Goddess Showing Her Form

A Goddess Showing Her Form


Goddess Of The Day - DemonicaDeMorte

on Nov25 2008

This woman is as wonderful as she is delicious to behold.  I encourage you to immediately go and look at her wonderful volume of work at her DeviantArt site immediately.




Goddess Of The Day - BBWOlivia

on Nov24 2008

Today’s Goddess is the lovely BBWOlivia.  Suggested to me by the wonderful LyssBBW.  She is a captivating woman whose beauty is sublime in it’s obviousness.  She is a lovely creature that I truly hope you all come o admire as much as I have.

You can see her at her website and trust me, there are even better shots than the one you see here if you can believe such a thing.

I hope you enjoy and keep those suggestions coming.




Goddess Of The Day - Kelly Shibari

on Nov20 2008

Kelly Shibari is one of the most beautiful women you will ever see, she has curves and sexuality and every other adjective I am unable to remember at the moment.

She is also one of the most brilliant people it has been my pleasure to come across in my years on this planet.  Her wit is fine tuned and she is funny as hell on top of everything else.  You need to check out her site at KellyShibari and read her blog, Brains Before Beauty, for an eye opening, and yet safe for work look into the adult entertainment industry.

So, without further ado, I give to you the beautiful Kelly Shibari.

Kelly Shibari

Kelly Shibari


Goddess Of The Day - Curvy Scarlette

on Nov19 2008

This fellow Canadian is a sexy bombshell who needs to be viewed by anyone with a brain and a pulse.

The beautiful Curvy Scarlette is enough to warm anyman up during the cold Canadian winter.

You can see her at CurvyScarlette and read her blog as well.

Curvy Scarlette

Check her out, visit her site and make sure to read her blog.


Goddess Of The Day - Naughty Nixx

on Nov18 2008

This woman is not only gorgeous, but she is as as sweet as any human being could be as well.  I highly recommend you check out her site at and read her blog as well.

Enjoy and  I will be on the prowl for more.




Goddess Of The Day - Desiree Devine

on Nov17 2008

How could you not look at this woman and want to just kill everything in your way until you got to her?

Maybe it is just me, but something tells me others may feel the same.


Desiree Devine

Check out Desiree at and her blog.


Goddess Of The Day - Kyla

on Nov16 2008

Yes, there can and will often be more than one Goddess Of The Day.  Adjust.

Here we have the absolutely divine Kyla from


Kyla of

Kyla of


Goddess of The Day - LyssBBW

on Nov16 2008

I love beautiful women.

So I plan on having one on here once a day.




You do not get more perfect than this woman. If you look at this picture long enough, you will find the true meaning of God.


