Goddess of The Day - LyssBBW

on Nov16 2008

I love beautiful women.

So I plan on having one on here once a day.




You do not get more perfect than this woman. If you look at this picture long enough, you will find the true meaning of God.


This entry was posted on Sunday, November 16th, 2008 at 07:34 and is filed under Goddess Of The Day. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

4 excellent Responses

  1. 1 CleavageLover Says:


    on Nov16 08

    What a sexy cleavage :)Thanks for sharing.

  2. 2 admin Says:


    on Nov16 08

    I plan on posting a beautiful woman like her once a day at least. Trust me, it will be a wonderful thing.

  3. 3 Lyss Says:


    on Nov23 08

    Thank you, CleavageLover!

  4. 4 Goddess Of The Day - BBWOlivia | Deceptions and Perceptions Says:


    on Nov24 08

    [...] Goddess is the lovely BBWOlivia.  Suggested to me by the wonderful LyssBBW.  She is a captivating woman whose beauty is sublime in it’s obviousness.  She is a lovely [...]

