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January 31st, 2009 | 4 Comments | Posted in Articles
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My apologies for this, but since my blog crapped out the other day, I am going to repost an earlier thing I did, however, I am completely rewriting it, so do not let the title fool you if you would be so kind.

When people hear the tern BBW, one of two things go though their minds. Disgust or Joy.

If you are of the disgust variety, then I invite you to read further on and see the beauty that these women contain, both with their physical beauty and, most times, their inner beauty as well. If you are a dyed-in-the-wool hater of all things above a certain size, then please, kindly leave and don’t bother me with hateful replies.

Now, for those of you who are still with me, I want to talk about all aspects of the Big Beautiful Woman and why this heavenly creature is actually the pinnacle of beauty in the female form today.

For starters, loving a woman of a larger size is nothing new. If you look at sculpture from Ancient Rome, Greece and Persia you will always see that the woman carved or painted are curvaceous with wide flaring hips and ample busts.

Nowhere is the absolutely grandeur of the BBW better illustrated than in the works of Flemish Baroque painter, Peter Paul Rubens. Based on his work, we have the term Rubenesque, a word that highlights only the positivity and beauty of the full-figured woman.

His painting, “Venus At The Mirror” is the most elegant piece of seventeenth century art on the subject of larger women and continues to highlight their grandeur to this very day.

It was not truly until the later half of the 20th Century and truly only in the United States did the fanatical obsession with weight and size begin to appear. With the model Twiggy, the agonizing decay of Karen Carpenter from anorexia and a prominence of thinner and thinner supermodels, the ideal of woman shrank until now it is impossible to attain without danger to the woman involved.

However, in the back of the room there has always been, and will always be, women who are not afraid to show the world that a woman’s body should have curves. That breasts are a thing to admire, not tape down in shame and embarrassment.

I am not a scholar nor am I a very savvy man of fashion, but I am a man who knows what beauty is and I assure you that when I look at these women and can count the ribs on their bodies, I do not see beauty, I see a desperate call for help that I pray is answered by people who love them.

In closing let me say a word to all of the women of size who are reading this. You are beautiful, not just to me but by masses upon masses of men who crave the feel of flesh under their fingers and not bone. You are worshiped as the goddesses you are, most often from afar by men who are so terrified you would reject them that they never say a word.

I ask you to stay as lovely as you are, to keep the glowing wonder of your beauty a light to show the dark world that there is still hope left for people who think that diet pills and starvation are the secrets to beauty.

Thank you for being you.

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4 Thoughts to “BBW”

  1. Mariste Roxxx Says:

    You are far too cool.  Just wanted you to know that.  :)



  2. Kaobear Says:

    I am nothing of the kind but Thank You.

  3. Lyss Says:

    There is a quote from the movie Spanglish which is meant to describe American women vs. hispanic women but, being that, it is a generalization.  If you exchange the idea of hispanic women for BBWs who love themselves and their curves, it gives you an idea of why we fat girls are so much more fun. ;c)

    American women, I believe actually feel the same as Hispanic women
    about weight.
    A desire for the comfort of fullness.

    And when that desire is suppressed for style and deprivation allowed to rule, dieting, exercising American women become afraid of everything associated with being curvaceous such as wantonness, lustfulness, sex, food, motherhood.

    All that is best in life.

  4. Kaobear Says:

    I could not agree with you more Dear.

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